We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

Meet Steven Altobello, CPA, CCIFP

Steven Altobello, CPA, CCIFP and CFO of Shilling Construction Company in Manhattan, KS took time out of his day to answer some questions so we could get to know him better. Check them out! 

Q: Are you married?

A: I have been married to my amazing wife for 18 years.


Q: Do you have children?

A: My wife and I are blessed to have three children together, a 12-year-old boy, and two girls, nine and six years of age.


Q: When did you become a CFMA member?

A: I became a CFMA member somewhere around 2008 while I was working as auditor for a CPA firm in Kansas City.


Q: How did you get into accounting?

A: I got into accounting because I wanted to be an FBI agent. While in college, I went to a job fair and met the recruiters for the FBI. They told me the number one career type they were hiring for at that time was accountants, so I became an accountant.


Q: What do you want to be remembered for?

A: I want to be remembered for being the guy that people say, "I'm glad that guy is on our team."


Q: What is your favorite movie?

A:  My favorite movie is a toss up between “Elf” and “Christmas Vacation.” If either are on TV, I'm watching them. Doesn't matter if it's summer.


Q: What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate?

A: My favorite holiday to celebrate is Christmas (see my favorite movies above).


Q: What three things should every CFM have on/in their desk?

A: Three things every CFM should have on/in their desk are sticky notes, paper clips and the Financial Management and Accounting for the Construction Industry books.


Q: What have you learned about being a leader?

A: I have learned that being a leader means sometimes you just have to get out of the way and let people work.


Q: What is something you can never over-invest in?

A:  Something you can never over-invest in – a lesson learned from COVID – you can never have too much toilet paper.