We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

Suicide Prevention

The suicide rate in construction is about four times greater than the national rate. And, since CFMA members are responsible for the financial resources of their companies, they are in a unique position to protect the health and safety of their people – their most important assets. Therefore, CFMA has taken the lead on this industry-wide initiative by providing CFMA chapters and members with suicide prevention information, education, and resources.


Getting Started


Take the Pledge

CFMA Central Indiana Chapter would like all of its member companies to take the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s (CIASP’s) pledge to STAND up for suicide prevention. When a company pledges to STAND up for suicide prevention, it is promising to create safe cultures, provide training to identify and help those at risk, raise awareness about the suicide crisis in construction, normalize conversations around suicide and mental health, and ultimately, decrease the risks associated with suicide in construction.


Get Educated

The following videos offer quick educational presentations to help build your personal awareness about this issue. They can also be used for discussion with leadership and to share with your workforce to enhance awareness.

Assess Your Company

Evaluate your company’s suicide prevention preparedness to handle a mental health or suicide crisis with CIASP’s Needs Analysis & Implementation Tool. This evaluation is most effective when representatives from all facets of the organization are involved.


Take Action

  1. Meet and discuss this topic with company leadership, HR department, and safety teams
  2. Let your workforce know about this new initiative via company-wide communication
  3. Utilize the resources to create awareness, such as posters
  4. Use videos as part of your employee training
  5. Incorporate suicide prevention into your toolbox talks

Concerned About Yourself or Someone Else? Get Help Now


Your generous tax-deductible donation to the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, a 501(c)(3) organization, will help to provide educational information, resources, and other charitable activities to advocate for suicide prevention and address mental health issues in the U.S. construction industry.


Click here to donate now.